Solar Power is Proven Reliable Technology
Solar power is the energy generated by solar panels when sunlight shines upon a solar cell. Solar panels generate DC power that then is converted to AC power by an inverter. The output of the inverter, in turn, feeds the building it is connected to. Depending on site specifics and the amount of solar panels installed, a solar power system can generate up to 100% of a structure's energy needs. As a result, it is possible for the owner of a property to effectively eliminate his energy bill and in doing so help the environment by reducing power plant emissions. In one minute enough energy falls from the sky to power the world for an entire year. It is time to harness this energy
Solar Photovoltaic Technology is not new. Silicon based solar modules were originally made commercially viable in the United States by Bell Laboratories in the 50’s. Solar power systems were originally used by small remote electric loads where it was not practical to bring in utility lines. Solar panels were also used to fuel space exploration as the United States entered the space race. It is interesting to note that the original silicon based solar modules had conversion efficiencies of 6%. Today silicon based solar panels have efficiencies as high as 22%. So in approximately 60 years efficiencies have increased by an average rate of approximately 2.6% per decade. Silicon solar modules have a theoretical maximum efficiency of 25 to 30%. Some of the modules installed in the 60’s and 70’s are still in operation today.
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